Group Training

The group training is suitable for increasing speed and stamina and competitiveness since a player can push each other through hard conditioning such as footwork and running session

The group training is suitable for a sparring session and learns how to communicate in doubles, as a player needs to learn how to play singles and doubles with teammates

The group training is critical for high-performance players because they constantly need extra support systems from all coaches and teammates that can only be obtained through group training sessions.


  • Physical Attractiveness
  • Mental Health
  • General Physical Health
  • Sport Performance
  • Healthy Lifestyle
  • Pleasure Activity

Ideally, a combination of weekly private and group sessions is the strategic training plan for players. However, depends on their goals and time availability, players need to make sure that the time spent on the court is valuable.

For group training, two categories, which are kid and adult are currently being offered.

Feel free to email/whatsapp us on the pricing.

Training Details

  • Time: Saturday 9-11am & Sunday 11-1pm
  • Category: Adult

Training Details

  • Time: Saturday 11-1pm & Sunday 9-11am
  • Category: Kids